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Tag Archives: healthy

Why does the body need minerals?

Minerals are nutrients that the body needs in small quantities, but cannot be lacking. Because they are nutrients that are necessary for the body to help build strength and help control the functioning of various parts of the body. They help control the functioning of

Benefits of Oregano

Oregano is considered a staple herb in many cuisines around the world. From helping fight bacteria to reducing inflammation. Studies have unearthed some of its impressive potential benefits. Oregano has a strong flavor, warmth to dishes and a hint of subtle sweetness. It can be

Benefits of Cinnamon.

Cinnamon is a spice that is make from the inner bark of trees scientifically known as Cinnamomum. It has used as an ingredient throughout history, dating back as far as Ancient Egypt. It used to be rare and valuable and was regarded as a gift fit

Vitamin C.

Vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient with many vital functions in your body. It helps strengthen your immune system, aids collagen production and wound healing. And acts as an antioxidant to protect your cells from free radical damage. Also known as L-ascorbic acid or simply

Benefits of Bananas.

Bananas are native to Southeast Asia but now grow in many warm climates around the world. They’re an excellent choice if you’re interested in adding more healthy fruits to your diet. May improve blood sugar levels. Bananas are rich in soluble fiber. During digestion, soluble fiber dissolves in liquid