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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Why does the body need minerals?

Minerals are nutrients that the body needs in small quantities, but cannot be lacking. Because they are nutrients that are necessary for the body to help build strength and help control the functioning of various parts of the body. They help control the functioning of

What causes oxidative stress?

Oxidative stress is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in your body that leads to cell damage. It plays a role in many conditions like cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease. Toxins like pollution and cigarette smoke can cause oxidative stress, while foods rich

Why does eating cold food cause a sharp pain in my brain?

Brain freeze, also known as cold stimulus headache, is a throbbing headache that occurs after eating or drinking very cold foods, such as ice or ice cream, too quickly. It often occurs in hot weather, including when the head or face is suddenly expos to

Benefits of drinking water after waking up.

Drinking water after waking up is another way to take care of your health: It is an easy way to do and it is also beneficial to our bodies. Most importantly, you should make it a daily routine and you will feel the good things

How to choose a safe shampoo.

Shampoo refers to a product used to clean the hair and scalp. At present, it is found that quite a few people experience adverse symptoms on the scalp when using shampoo. Shampoos that are not of standard quality are often mixe with shower gel, facial foam,

What are the symptoms of allergic reaction to shampoo?

One of the symptoms that no one expects to happen to them is an allergy to shampoo. This is because shampooing is a daily routine that we all have to do. Or do when we have to face dust, smoke, or an environment with a smell.

What is the heating temperature to be dangerous to health?

When we hear the weather forecast report that the weather will be 40°C, it does not mean that it will make our body heat up to 40°C as well. Because the natural mechanism when our body heats up, it will sweat to release heat from the body

Symptoms that indicate we are suffering from acid reflux.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a condition in which stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, causing symptoms that interfere with daily life and can lead to complications such as inflammation of the esophagus. Acid reflux disease is a silent danger that has negative effects