What is the heating temperature to be dangerous to health?

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When we hear the weather forecast report that the weather will be 40°C, it does not mean that it will make our body heat up to 40°C as well. Because the natural mechanism when our body heats up, it will 
sweat to release heat from the body temperature. This mechanism helps our body not to be too hot. But at the same time, releasing heat through sweat also causes the body to lose a lot of water. So we should drink a lot of water on hot days instead.

Do you know what level of heat the human body can withstand? And what level is harmful to the body? We can divide the heat levels as follows:

  • 27 – 32 degrees Celsius is a heat level that must be monitor. May cause fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and body aches.
  • 32 – 41 degrees Celsius is a heat level that is a warning. May cause heat exhaustion and cramps.
  • 41 – 54 degrees Celsius is a dangerous heat level. May cause cramps in the shoulders, calves, and abdomen.
  • 55 – 60 degrees Celsius is a very dangerous heat level. May cause heat stroke.

Exposure to hot weather for a long time causes the body to lose water to cool itself down and also causes health problems in the body as follows:

Heat exhaustion.  Losing a lot of sweat will affect blood circulation, causing less blood to the brain, feeling dizzy, almost faint, fatigue, sweating a lot, UFABET, and an abnormally fast heartbeat.

Heat cramps  mostly occur in people who exercise heavily, people who are dehydrat, or people who are exposed to hot weather of 32-40 degrees Celsius. This causes the body to lose a large amount of minerals, especially potassium. This causes muscles in various areas such as the calves, thighs, joints, and shoulders to contract or cramp.

Heat rash  is cause by block sweat glands that prevent the body from expelling sweat through the skin as normal. Inflammation and itchy rashes occur, especially in the folds, groin, and skin that rubs against clothing. The skin will feel a burning sensation, swollen and red, and may become infected with pus.

Heatstroke  can  occur in living things in emergency situations where the body temperature is higher than 40 degrees Celsius or the air temperature is higher than  54 degrees Celsius.Acute causes symptoms such as dizziness, fainting, confusion, restlessness, irritability, cramps, loss of consciousness, headache, and nausea. In the worst cases, brain damage or death can occur. If symptoms occur, seek immediate medical attention.